Sunday, September 7, 2014

Dragon Issue

At Coronado beach, I saw a fearsome dragon, and with a hideous hiss, it breathed fire at me!

The dragon chased me to the top of a roof. There I found another one. Thankfully, I had my lucky shield and sword.

The dragon I fought on the roof grabbed me in its talons and soared all the way to the Arctic. A third dragon was there waiting for me, but I courageously slashed it.

After fighting the third dragon, a blue one appeared! It chased me all the way up to the top of a cliff, but I jumped in the air and cut off its head with my razor-sharp sword, just like Alice.

I had sleighed the first two dragons, but before long, there was a fifth.
It was the most evil dragon of all, but I cut out its heart and it fell off
the cliff to its' death! I had saved the day, "Hip! Hip! Hooray!''

P.S. This actually happened! Without using Photoshop. Aren't you


Mrs.Lau said...

Santiago: I was very shocked to see you combatting so many large and intimidating dragons. If I saw I dragon, I think I might try to hide. But you were brave and stood up to them in a very bold and skillful way. Wow! Once, when I was at Balboa Park, I saw and heard a dragon. It tried to find me by sniffing around, but it was blind and couldn't see me hiding behind a fallen tree. Have you ever seen the Balboa Park dragon? Have you ever smelled its foul breath?

Unknown said...

They have very stinky breath you are absolutely right.
I am going to look more closely in the park.

Anonymous said...

I'll be honest, if I came across a dragon I'd try to either negotiate or subdue it one way or another. Dragons are quite intelligent after all.

Anonymous said...

They’re not real. They’re fake. Don’t believe what the last caption reads. I PhotoShopped them. Haha, fooled ya!