Sunday, November 28, 2010

How to learn Spanish

Please click on 2010 [to the right] 2009 and 2008 under Blog Archive to see all my posts and how I am growing as an artist.

A great thing to draw is Loteria Cards and I like the pictures so much. I am happy when my friends and their families come to visit me at our home in Mexico. I feel lucky because I speak Spanish. My grandmother whispered it in my ear when I was very small. I listened carefully to her words and now that I am 8 years old I can talk to people in my town like the man who leads the donkeys down the hill in front of our house or the taxi guys who drive green cabs. I can order ice cream and my favorite flavor is guanabana and that is a hard word to say but not for me because I practice.

The first thing I like to do when a family visits us is break out the Loteria cards and it is a fun way to learn Spanish. There are all these great pictures and it is like bingo but instead you shout out ¡Loteria! We use frijole beans to mark the ones we get like El Alacran and La Campaña. I did this drawing so you will know what it is like. There is a very great artist and friend named Beth Krommes. She sent me scratch magic paper that is really fun to use so I could practice art that is a little bit like what she does. Thank you Beth. She made a beautiful book called The House in the Night that won the Caldecott Medal because it is super amazing. I sent her one of my Loteria drawings because she is really special and I'm so glad she liked it.

Chile God

Yesterday we had tacos and my Dad keeps getting me to try little bites of different salsas. I had a good one yesterday that had cranberries in it but some of them are just too hot!
We have been studying the Greek gods and goddesses in 3rd grade.
I decided to draw this picture of my own Mexican chile god breathing fire. He keeps trying to trick me to try one more chile. That is why I drew the two angels of reason carrying the lantern, shield, candle and flashlight to guide me in making good choices when eating salsa.

This Wednesday my Dad and Mom are coming to our class to work with Mrs. Lau our teacher. We are going to help my friends draw Greek gods and goddesses for playing cards. Dad and I came up with a very simple style using shapes this morning and I am excited to show you these drawings I made and tell you what I learned by doing them. You can draw things so they look real or you can stylize them like this. Check it out.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Let's Talk Turkey

Grandma Lo-I can't wait to have Thanksgiving with you and here is what I want to eat!